
I’m an environmental technologist, working at the US Geological Survey on improving how we deliver water data to the public. In prior roles, I split my time between predictive modeling (to monitor forest carbon sequestration across New York State, track the development of early-successional forests, and more) and visualization (including using game engines as a GIS and making it easier to make reproducible VR environments for research). By training I’m either an ecologist (specializing in landscape and translational ecology) or environmental scientist; professionally, I’ve worked as a data analyst, software engineer, and chicken farmer.

On this site I keep a list of my publications, presentations, and my CV, as well as a technical blog.

Selected Projects

R Packages

rsi | Efficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite Imagery | 2024 waywiser | Ergonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial Models | 2023
spatialsample | Spatial Resampling Infrastructure | 2022
unifir | A Unifying API for Working with Unity in R | 2022
terrainr | Retrieve Data from the USGS National Map and Transform it for 3D Landscape Visualizations | 2021